Wednesday, March 11, 2015

March Madness

I'm in a weird place. No, not like at the bottom of a lake or the trunk of a car or at a wax museum. I'm at a weird place in life. Stuck between wanting to be taken seriously as an adult and refusing to grow up. Constantly making time for people who don't matter and avoiding the people who matter most. That's just the way it is for me at this chapter in my life. But no matter what I've accomplished, left unfinished, or walked away from... I know that one thing is for certain. There has never been a moment where I have spent my time on someone or something that my heart wasn't in. That's what life is all about. Finding the things you love and loving them until you simply can't anymore. And when those interests in your life run their course, it's okay to accept that and move on. There's nothing wrong with admitting that some things just don't suit you the way they used to.

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